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Thai Beach Vocabulary, Part II

Red and green Thai letters in random order
Now that you have learned our Thai Beach Vocabulary Part I, you are ready to move on with Part II.

Not ready yet? Then have another look at Part I to freshen up or kick-start your Thai language skills. You can download our free Thai Beach Vocabulary guide for Part I here: PDF / Image. If you are still with us here, today we will move on to more Thai words that will be useful for your Thai beach experience. Remember to check how each word is actually pronounced by clicking on the speaker icon ““, and say it out load to the enjoyment of your surroundings. This will greatly enhance your chances of being understood (and appreciated) in Thailand!

Thai Beach Vocabulary, Part II
Beach Word Common Transliteration(s) Pronounciation and Tone Thai Spelling Sound
fish  pla/bplaa  bplaa (mid) ปลา  
crab pu/bpoo/bpuu  bpuu (mid) ปู
shell/clam/oyster hoi hŏoi (rising) หอย
turtle tao/dtao dtào (low) เต่า
bird nok/nohk  nók (high) นก
coconut  ma-prao/phraao má-phráao
boat ruea/reuua/reua reua (mid) เรือ
swim  wai/waai-nahm/nam wâai-náam (falling-high) ว่ายน้ำ
snorkel/dive dam-nahm/nam dam-náam
sail laen-ruea/reuua/reua lâen-reua
surf to/dtoh-khluen/kleun dtôh-khlûeen (falling-falling) โต้คลื่น
barefoot thao/tao-plao/bplao tháao-bplàao (high-low) เท้าเปล่า
sun bed dtiang/tian-ap/aap/-daed/daet  dtiiang-àap-dàaed (mid-low-low)  เตียงอาบแดด
sun cream khrim/kreem/cream-aathit/aatit khreem-aa-thít (mid-mid-high) ครีมอาทิตย์
towel  pha/paa-chet-tua/dtua phâa-chét-dtua (falling-high-mid) ผ้าเช็ดตัว
sunglasses waen-kan/gan-daet wâaen-gan-dàaed
 hammock ple/bplay bplaee (mid) เปล

Download the free Thai Beach Vocabulary Part II here: PDF / Image.

Next post in this series will give you some handy Thai beach phrases. Don’t forget to beach with us on social media, so you don’t miss any of our exciting upcoming posts.